Farbe & Lack is the German language publication for the C.A.S.E. industry. In print for well over 130 years, it is considered the Industry technical authority.. It has a third party audit, and is recognized in the German speaking community for its superior editorial content. The channel has a multitude of ways to connect with the audience, including:


Farbe und Lack (German language) offers a print advertising program (for English language, see European Coatings Journal) If you’re interested in submitting for an editorial topic, a vetting process is utilized – reviewed via abstract submission by the editorial team and are independent of advertising. This keeps the high-level technical integrity of the journal(s) intact. Editorial submission guidelines can be provided.

Planned editorial themes for 2024 into 2025:

-October 2024: Radiation Curing

-November2024: Water-Based Coatings; and Production Technology

-December 2024: Resins & Additives

-January 2025: ACE Coatings

-February 2025: Architectural Coatings

-March: EC SHOW & Conference 2025 - bonus distribution

-April: Wood Coatings; and Production Technology

-May: Bio-Based Coatings

-June: Water-Based Coatings

-July/August: Polyurethanes

-September: Functional Coatings

-October: Powder Coatings

-November: Pigments & Fillers; Testing & Measuring

-December: Protective Coatings

Media information can be found here: FL Print Media 2024

FL Print Media 2025

There is also an Advertorial Program. This can be print and digital, or digital alone. Q&A developed with editorial staff, print production, digital production and promotion included. Details Here: Q&A/Advertorial Program

Digital Overview:

Newsletter: Twice per week placement (same ad in both)

·         Top and middle banner ads

·         Top, middle and bottom text (native) ads

More information here: Newsletter Media Info

Newsletter take-over: 

·         Your content, our audience

·         Full production and email to EC audience included

More information here: Newsletter take-over


Website: Monthly banner ad placement

·         Home page banners

·         Various sizes

·         Exclusive positions (non-rotating)

More Information here: Website Media Information


White paper: your content, max 15 pages (with images/graphs). Your thought leadership/problem solving solution.

·         Homepage for 3 months

·         (1) text ad per month

·         “related content” search results

·         Automatic email alert of download (direct lead generation)

·         Archived on-site

More Information here: Whitepaper Media Information


Dossier: technical editorial pulled into one document, highlighting your specialty/topic

·         Your logo on cover image (it looks like a regular publication)

·         Full page ad

·         Full page company profile

·         Promoting in print journals

·         Promotion via banner ads (web and newsletter)

·         Promotion via text ads

·         Specific e-blast promotion

·         Logo on landing page of dossier

More Information here: Dossier Media Information


Webinar: your topic, our hosting, moderating and promoting

·          Advertising in various media and direct email

·          Technical details

·          Registration

·          Content advice and practice run-through to make sure it’s all good

·          Host webinar

·          Survey of participants

·          Record webinar

·          Follow up email to participants

·          Direct lead/registrant list

·          Results of survey

·          Downloadable recording (1 month availability)



Special programs:

A number of different opportunities, not limited too:

- Custom landing pages (containing video, whitepapers, archived webinars, etc.)

- Social media programs

- Advertorial content (Q&A)


Event Sponsorships:

-Sponsorships available at one of the many smaller seminars/conferences given throughout the year. Both in-person and virtual. Details on request

- 2025 has the European Coatings SHOW.

- 2026 is next for the American Coatings Show


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