The European Coatings media channel is an English language, pan-European outlet serving all operational areas of coatings, inks, sealants and elastomers production. There are many ways to connect with the audience, including:


The European Coatings Journal (English language) (and Farbe und Lack (German language)) offers a print advertising program. If you’re interested in submitting for an editorial topic, a vetting process is utilized – reviewed via abstract submission by the editorial team and are independent of advertising. This keeps the high-level technical integrity of the journal(s) intact. Editorial submission guidelines can be provided.


EC Journal has a third party audit and is recognized internationally for its technically superior editorial. The publication is also the official partner of the European coatings association (CEPE).

Planned editorial themes for 2024 into 2025:

-November 2024: Resins & Additives

-December 2024: Powder Coatings

-January/February: EC Show & Conference 2025 - bonus show distribution

-March: Pigments, Fillers and Production Technology

-April: Architectural Coatings

-May: Water-based Coatings

-June: ACE Coatings

-July/August: Bio-Based Coatings

-September: Polyurethane Coatings

-October: Protective Coatings; Testing & Measuring

-November: Functional Coatings

-December: Powder Coatings

Details here via pdf:  EC Print Media info 2024

EC Print Media 2025

Advertorial Program: Print and Digital package or Digital only. Q&A developed with editorial staff, print production, digital production and promotion included.

  Details here: Q&A Program

EC Journal reprints: Do you want a copyrighted version of a technical editorial with reproduction availability?

  Details here: REPRINTS - info



Newsletter: Twice per week placement

·         Top and middle banner ads

·         Top, middle and bottom text (native) ads

More information here: Newsletter Media Info


Newsletter take-over: 

More information here: Newsletter take-over



More Information here: Website Media Information

Sponsored News item - email for details

White paper: your content, max 15 pages (with images/graphs). Your thought leadership/problem solving solution.

·         Homepage for 3 months

·         (1) text ad per month

·         “related content” search results

·         Automatic email alert of download (direct lead generation)

·         Archived on-site

More Information here: Whitepaper Media Information


Dossier: technical editorial pulled into one document, highlighting your specialty/topic

·         Your logo on cover image (it looks like a regular publication)

·         Full page ad

·         Full page company profile

·         Promoting in print journals

·         Promotion via banner ads (web and newsletter)

·         Promotion via text ads

·         Specific e-blast promotion

·         Logo on landing page of dossier

More Information here: Dossier Media Information



Webinar: your topic, our hosting, moderating and promoting

·          Advertising in various media and direct email

·          Technical details

·          Registration

·          Content advice and practice run-through to make sure it’s all good

·          Host webinar

·          Survey of participants

·          Record webinar

·          Follow up email to participants

·          Direct lead/registrant list

·          Results of survey

·          Downloadable recording (1 month availability)



Suppliers Hub: Product/presentation video

· 6 month run-time

· Social media promotion

·  Promotion in EC media

More information here: Suppliers Hub info


Special programs:

A number of different opportunities

- Custom landing pages (containing video, whitepapers, archived webinars, etc.)

- Social media programs

- Advertorial content (Q&A)



 - Sponsorships available at one of the many smaller seminars/conferences given throughout the year. Both in-person and virtual. Details on request

- 2025 features the the European Coatings SHOW

- 2026 is next for the American Coatings SHOW


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